Fruits of our Labors Part 1

When I think of creating and teaching art it is difficult to think of it as labor because I enjoy it so much. I am definitely blessed to be doing what I want to do. I find it so rewarding to finish a painting and share it with others. I love to see their faces light up as they view my work.

I have finished my long awaited Beluga whale painting and I am quite pleased with it. When I look at this painting I am instantly transcended back to the Georgia Aquarium, standing in amazement of these gigantic creatures yet so graceful and peaceful. The feeling of tranquility is overwhelming; I can hear the classical music which accompanies the whale’s performance.

I also completed a painting of a mother Whistling Swan and twocygnets. Swans are beautiful birds and so graceful on the water but beware they can be very aggressive.

I hope you enjoy my work.